Sunday, October 27, 2013

Synergy Dental Fresh Dog, 17 Ounce

Amazing Results--It Really Works!
Did you know that February is Doggie Dental Health Month (at least in Texas)? I didn't, either, until my vet handed me an estimate for dental cleaning for my Pomeranian that included a $50 discount for this special celebratory occasion. That is, $50 off an approximately $407 dental cleaning.

Pregnant pause. Let's check out Amazon & see what the reviewers have to say about doggie dental health. I did a search & wound up here.

I was a skeptic before buying this & decided to risk the purchase based on the reviews here. How could a little bit of green fluid added to a water bowl clean my dog's teeth?

Well, it does. His teeth are cleaner and brighter, less "plaque-y" and his breath smells truly wonderful for a 14 year old lap dog. Really. No more doggy breath.

I took another reviewer's advice and purchased this Dental Fresh as well as the DDS Dental Wipes and she was right--my little dog loves to get his teeth cleaned with the dental...
This stuff is a miracle!!
Sorry to be graphic, but my two small dogs had breath that smelled worse than a corpse rotting in the sun!! If they were within 5-10 feet of your face and yawned, you would almost vomit! We were desperate and about to take them both in for an expensive cleaning even though I didnt believe it would work because their gums and teeth are healthy and clean. Anyways, with that overkill background information to get the point across, I will tell you that this stuff is absolutely amazing. They are now both cured of their severe halitosis,,, Completely!! They dont even have "dog breath",, basically no smell from their breath at all. I was extremely skeptical and expected little to no results, but for the price, I tought what the heck. With the results we got, I would happily pay 10 times more. Now I know everyone will get different results, but if you were on the fence, try it! If you get half as good of results as us, you will be thrilled.
Makes Breath Fresher!
Our poor dog had some awful breath before we tried this product. Add a tiny bit to each bowl of water and her breath is much, much better. Only downside is you have to keep using the product. If you run out, your dog's breath will be back to it's nastiness in a day. I have used one other product that supposedly works the same, but it didn't work at all. This one does.
Click to Editorial Reviews

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