Monday, October 28, 2013

Good Pet Stuff Hidden Litter Litter Box

was hesitant to buy- SO GLAD I DID!
I never buy anything online without a lot of thought and research. I was in between buying this, or buying one of those furniture cabinets with boxes inside. I decided on this because it was a lot less expensive and takes up less room. I've been looking at this for awhile and read a lot of reviews about it, both good and bad.
Here's my feedback:

- my BIG cats (15lbs) fit in it great! It is so much easier for them than the "jumbo" sized box we used before.
- suprizingly looks good (I was expecting it to look cheap because the material is cheap, but it's not bad!)
- super easy to keep clean. (wide openning lets me scoop easily, dumping litter out and then soap/water is a quick clean overall
- affordable!!!!
- works anywhere (doesn't take up much space, can angle openning in any direction so you can change your mind where to put it, unlike the furniture boxes)
- NO ODOR: I've had it for a few weeks and it's been great...
Great product!
This litter box not only looks great but works really well - we have our litter box in the living room area and you can't even tell it's a litter box, let alone smell it! It's big enough for our cat as well (18 pounder) and easy to clean.
my cats love it
I bought one and then another a few months later. They are easy to assemble and clean. The "pot" finish is authentic looking but the plant and wiry moss are not at all lifelike and tedious to arrange the first time. But my cats (2)(ages 8 and 9) love them, especially the privacy. I have them on small washable area rugs, one on each floor. I had previously bought one of the covered litter boxes you tilt to clean, but it was ugly and did not work well for me as it was smallish and I like to give my cats a deeper bed of clumping litter than was practical for that model.
Click to Editorial Reviews

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